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The ROAD TO RECOVERY Hosted by Daniel Czuba - Working to bring Recovery out ...

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...of the darkness of Denial and into the Light of Acceptance and Love.

Hey everybody - this is Dan and I Thank you for joining me/us on our Journey into Sobriety. Living Life on Life's terms can be challenging even to those of us who have been successful at refraining from enduging in our former addicitons. - However no matter how challenging life can get - I would RATHER LIVE A SOBER LIFE instead of trying to wrestle my addictive nature while drinking and drugging.

This is a LIVE Broadcast / Program - and we welcome callers. Have a question / a concern, an opinion, a comment, or perhaps even a criticism, DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL in 323-580-5755 between 7 & 9 PM CST (Central Standard Time) and start your own personal journey into Recovery along with the rest of US who have been enjoying a NEW LIFE FREE of our former destructive habits. HOW DID WE GET SET FREE? WHAT DO WE DO TO STAY ON TRACK? Join us EVERY SUNDAY EVENING FROM 7 to 9 PM and you too can learn to live a life free from your addiction/s. What's best yet - is that you can come to enjoy a life you may never have known to be possible.

Have a question during the week? Call Dan at 1-800-427-5968 or email me at daniel@daare.com If nothing else - I will listen to you. Remember it's all about EXPERIENCE / STRENGTH and HOPE...Be sure to take a moment and reach out to EVERY ONE YOU CAN.... Say HELLO & Give them a HUG! and let them know they are Cared about. I look forward to hearing from you next week!