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The ROAD TO RECOVERY Hosted by Daniel Czuba-working to bring Reocvery out of...

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... the darkness of ignorance into the light of growth and acceptance.

Who are these Drug Addicts? Alcoholics? ography Freaks? Pedophiles? Over Weight, Under Weight ? Gamblers? Smokers, etc...  WHY - They are People just like you and ME! Well maybe not necessarily You - but definitely ME and A LOT OF MY FRIENDS TOO!  But how did we become addicted to our "DRUG OF CHOICE?" It could be alcohol - heroin - cocaine - sex - prescription meds - cigarettes - cigars - you name it - we can ABUSE IT!

Obviously our excessive indulgence of just about anything that made us feel good - or helped us to "ESCAPE" the conditions of the moment - played HAVOC in our lives and to those around us. What started out as FUN and EXCITING - took on a sense of EXCITEMENT that began to hurt us and those around us. It slipped into place quite slowly and without alot of fanfare - however when the BANG hit us - Most of us DID NOT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED - and when our Addicitions actually took ove rour lives - but once we realized it - we were frightened into DENIAL.

What am I talking about? Why not join us this Sunday July 24th, 2016 from 7 to 9 PM CST(Central Standard Time) as we open the phone lines to questions - comments - or possibly critics of our attempts to shed light and help to not only to understand but to grow from within and overcome our Behaviors of the - in some cases RECENT PAST, and grow into HAPPY - JOYOUS and FREE lives on a Day-at-a-Time basis.

Our Call in number is 323-580-5755 AND WE WELCOME ANY AND ALL CALLERS TO JOIN US AND SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS - IDEAS - OPINIONS - ON WHAT ADDICITIONS HAVE DONE TO YOUR LIVES AND WHAT THEY ARE LIKE NOW IN RECOVERY. Check out our Web Page www.Road2Recovery.club  because Recovery is a "WE PROGRAM" and you play an important role in your very own recovery.