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The ROAD TO RECOVERY-Hosted by Daniel Czuba - working to bring Recovery out of..

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the Darkness - helping those caught up in their addictions to realize that recovery is a Good thing and nothing to be feared.

Last week we enjoyed Mike Tribble, a person in recovery for over 30 years, share with our listening audience, the theory behind the Steps 10, 11 & 12 wrapping up the complete presentation of the 12 steps beginning with the Steps 1, 2 & 3.which he started back in the beginning of June. Mike will continue to make his presentation of the 12 Steps of Recovery in his "Back to Basics" campaign of which he hosts every Friday evening at ANONA WEST in West Chicago on Fremont Avenue across fromt he Tasty Freeze Ine Cream Shop. Thank you Mike for your outstanding presentation and the dedication you have given to working the 12 Steps in your life as well as assisting others to work it effectively in theirs. Mike's Wife even tuned in this time-a First for her-to listen as her Husband completed his program. THIS WAS HER FIRST TIME EVER HEARING HIS PRESENTATION - the Presentation that he has been doing for over 4 years, every Friday evening. SHE LOVED HEARING HIM EXPLAIN THE STEPS! Miracles happen every day - most every moment - and we must Thank God for these wonderful Blessings.

What's next weeks show going to be about? WHO KNOWS? More about our own EXPERIENCE-STRENGTH & HOPE and how this recovery programs work in our lives on a daily basis! You really won't want to miss it! Our show is a LIVE Call-in show 323-580-5755 and we welcome listeners to call-in and ask questions, share stories, make comments in this laid back discussion format. The Show airs from 7 to 9 PM CST (Central Standard Time) - I/we can be reached at any time at daniel@daare.com JOIN US! Remember to Give HUGS & HELLO'S - as we bring Recovery out of the Darkness. We have learned "IF WE WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD - CHANGE OURSELVES!" Hope to hear from you!