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The ROAD TO RECOVERY Hosted by Daniel Czuba and this coming week - we will...

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...caught up in an addiction - Jail became a reality for us. This once seemingly unknown or never considered act of locking us up - just never crossed our minds - yet because we did something either relatively stupid or reflexively thoughtless - we found ourselves facing time behind bars. Where to find Bail - who does one call? Facing the embaressment of explaning your situation to someone - who previously was completely unaware that you evern ever could be arrested let alone thrown into jail. Yet here you are - sitting in a room alone - cold, ignored, reflecting on all of the events that led up to this moment that finds you without a voice to cooman the attentions of well - ANYONE. You are NOW a criminal - a title that will now carry with you in your past records - potentially even tainting your future actions and the way people and "The WORLD" may even look at you - or maybe even judge you. STOP STOP STOP!!!

How did we even find ourselves going down this road of LOSS OF FREEDOM - JOBS - FAMILY - etc...? Wouldn't an intelligent person strive to avoid these circumstances?

Join us this coming Sunday evening as we discuss the issue of JAIL & YOU? Who how and maybe why? This is a VERY Casual talkshow - designed to help BRING RECOVERY FROM ADDICTIONS OUT OF THE DARKNESS. And we do this by sharing our personal EXPERIENCE - STRENGTH & HOPE - Stories from our past - memories filled with the wisdom of experience, Unselfishly shared by those of us who found a path through our addictions on a sound path to and in recovery. Join us from 7 to 9 PM - or call-in and share your own stroies/experiences, ask questions , or offer a word or two fo encouragement. This show is designed for anyone wanting help escaping their addictive behaviors. Our number is 323-580-5755 or email Dan at daniel@daare.com. We aren't Doctors - yet we understand BEST.