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Excited today to be joined by our good friend, Randy Slovacek, Author and Producer of the daily "The Randy Report" blog and weekly radio show of the same name. We have lot's to say on Superhero movies, Harrasment in the workplace, Olivia Newton John, and more.
"Standing on my Soapbox," is a weekly call-in radio show, that Rants, Raves, and Reviews the week in LGBT News, Pop Culture, and a lil Politics. I bring in a rotating group of Co-Host's, who join the conversation, and we welcome YOU to call-in and give your two cents worth on our current topics, or those of your own. The call-in number is 347-989-0126 and we hope you'll have some fun with us.
This show is part of the "Left of Str8 Radio Network," fun chat, serious conversations, and celebrity/personality interviews with people of interest to our LGBT Community and Allies, and we hope you will click on that lil pink follow button on the page above. You can also help support keeping us on the air by going to our Patreon Page, where you can donate from $10 a month and up, and be entered into monthly drawings for swag from our guests, and other great perks.
Check out the page, follow us on Twitter/Instagram: @leftofstr8 and Facebook: leftofstr8show page or Scott Fulerton, personal page. Google Plus: Left of Str8