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Mary Alice Monroe, NY Times Bestselling Author

  • Broadcast in Books
JOYRadio with PattieWelekHall

JOYRadio with PattieWelekHall


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Join Joy Radio on July 3 at 11 am, EDT, and listen to Mary Alice Monroe, NY Times bestselling and award-winning author speak on the writing process.

Mary Alice Monroe is the author of over a dozen novels, several non-fiction titles, and children's books. Her latest release was “The Summer Girls” first in lowcountry summer trilogy, released on June 25. Her body of work reflects her commitment to the natural world through literature.  Monroe has served on the faculty of numerous writer's conferences and retreats.  She is a featured speaker at events, both literary and conservation.  Her books have achieved several best seller lists, including the New York Times, SIBA, USA Today and are sold worldwide.  Her first children's book received several awards, including the ASPCA Henry Bergh award.  Monroe was awarded the SC Center for the Book Award for Fiction and the International Book Award for Green Fiction.

website- www.maryalicemonroe.com

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