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Bonnie Compton, APRN, BC, CPNP

  • Broadcast in Lifestyle
JOYRadio with PattieWelekHall

JOYRadio with PattieWelekHall


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Bonnie Compton is a child and adolescent play therapist, parent coach, and founder of Parenting Partners, LLC.  She is committed to helping parents become more mindful in their parenting.  Through her work, Bonnie has witnessed the profound and lasting impact on the relationship between parents and children, as parents begin to shift their focus from the child’s behavior to their own relationship with their child.  Parents become much more effective in their role and find joy in the relationship with their child when they stop looking for ways to “fix” their child’s behavior, become more proactive and less reactive, and have a plan as to how they want to be as a parent.  Bonnie has a private practice at The Life Guidance Center.  Bonnie also facilitates parent workshops and retreats…”Through the Eyes of Your Child…Parenting with Intention”.   


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