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Wild Wild Left Radio #64 On Obama's Watch? 1/3 Through his Presidency

  • Broadcast in Politics Progressive
Diane G

Diane G


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Tonight we will be discussing the continuing escalation and prolonging of the theatres of war in Iraq and Afghanistan. We address Seymour Hersch's revelation about the battlefield executions done by our soldiers. The oil spill, rather than creating stricter regulations, seems to have made it probable to pass an anti-energy bill that throws much of it to the "State's Rights" set. The Wall Street thieves still are not being fully investigated, while Iceland actually is imprisoning their equivalents. Obama seems intent on moving the SCOTUS rightward with his choice of Kagan. Join us as we attempt to take the barrage if information in this news cycle; cut through the fog and explain what the true results will be....
.... and grade this first third of Obama's Presidency.
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