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Episode 21: Understanding the 3rd & 4th Chakra

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Dancin with the Universe

Dancin with the Universe


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Life is a Dance! You know the steps - now it's time to really FEEL the music!

Join Jacquelyn Gioertz of EmpoweredConsciousness.com and Debbie Sodergren of DebbieSodergren.com every Thursday morning from 11:00 am - 11:30 am to get your shot of mojo for Dancin!

For 30 minutes you will have the opportunity to tune in and receive juicy tips and tools that you can implement immediately and improve your relationships, work and health.

There's more to it than just thinking positively and writing affirmations. We will explore the energy work involved as the power of your thoughts, words and actions.

You will learn what it takes to get the Law of Attraction to work for you consistently

Tap into our energy and explore with us and our guests the infinite possibilities that are just waiting for you to create them!

We teach you to GET the power you already KNOW you HAVE.


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