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Allah, gender dysphoria, and agreeing to disagree

  • Broadcast in Politics Conservative
Dan Clements

Dan Clements


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Episode 917:   Allah, gender dysphoria, and agreeing to disagree  

Allah is not God, gender dysphoria is a mental disorder, and agreeing to disagree on facts and truth is intellectually lazy!!! What do these three things have in common? The facts and truths about them are often ignored so folks can be politically correct!!!

Allah is the title for “the god of Islam” Islam is a religion that was started around 600 A.D. By a man named Mohammad. The Quran give no evidence by Allah that it is true or the events and creeds found in the Quran were inspired by Allah.

Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder, and called that by many credible psychiatric authorities. It's not stereotyping to use a medical term to describe someone who is confused about their gender. Gender is a product of biology, not self identity.

Last but not least is the intellectually lazy argument of “agree to disagree.” In matters of opinion about trivial personal tastes I say to each his or her own. But when a persons ideological position that could be turned into a governing policy, that is not based on fact or truth, we can't and shouldn't settle for “agree to disagree.” To agree to disagree leaves one in error or contradiction, and in danger of remaining in a echo chamber.

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