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~~Midwives, Witches, and Harlots~ Patti Davis

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Creatrix Media Live

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Patti Davis describes herself as a ritualist, altar creatrix, performance artist, and academic witch. For over 10 years she has hosted and helped co-create altars for Reclaiming Collective’s Spiral Dance and has also helped in the creation of altars to honor Dios De Muertos and performed ritual to remember those persecuted as witches and the murdered women of Ciudad, Juarez. She has performed her own monologues and poetical works as part of the Just Mamas ,has had her art featured in She Is Everywhere (Vol. 1) and is included in the anthology Talking to Goddess. As an artist she is inspired by the Haitian artists who create art from whatever is found and likes to title her own art as “sacred recycled object’s de art.” A child of Yemoja she likes to “always keep her feet in the water.” Patti holds an M.A. in Philosophy and Religion with a concentration in Women’s Spirituality, from the California Institute of Integral Studies, a B.A. in the double major’s of Anthropology and a special major that she designed, “Women, Myth & Spirituality’’ from San Francisco State University, and was an MFA candidate in Creative Inquiry from New College of California. She is credited on the film Signs out of Time: the story of archaeologist Marija Gimbutas, as a research contributor and works for the film’s company Belili Productions as office manager. She is an academic research consultant for scholars and would say that research is her passion.

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