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People say that you can’t do that, they say he is God and you can’t get angry with him, that’s taboo, sac religious, and dangerous; however, we do it anyhow. We get angry with God. For example: if someone, a love one, has been taken out of this life at a young age we question God on how and why he let that happen, When we see children being born in this world everyday, and before they can really take their first good breaths they have been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, we begin to question God and say Lord how could you let this happen. When our lives are going the way we planned our dreams are coming true, you are doing what God said do and then all of a sudden it gets turned upside-down and you begin to see all of your dreams fading fast before your eyes you don’t understand what is happening so we get angry with God and begin to question him with why God did you allow what happened to happen.