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Welcome back to Cafe Esoterica Radio presents "The Shape of My Heart" with Shawn M Cohen. In episode 5 (out of 12) Shawn conquers the beginning of all trauma and emotional pain, our Dysfunctional Families and how they got that way, what the damage is to each child, how there are various unhealthy roles each member plays and how they damage our relationships in the future and sometimes we just can't have any kind of loving relationship because of it! Tune and get the facts about your own dysfunctional family and how you can not only identify them and your unhealthy role given to you as a child but also how to heal from them and it!
Going live on on Thursday, November 26th, 2020 at 7-8:00pm UK, 2-3:00pm EST & 11:00am-12noon PST & worldwide, call into the show on (516) 387-1942 and chat in our chat box here and on our You Tube channel (put in the search Cafe Esoterica Radio and you will find me there live) and on our Instagram @shawnmcohen. And do join our private Facebook group where more content is shared and you are free to chat and share any emotional issue or questions you like!
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Intro music by Sting. All copyright to him and his publisher, called "The Shape of My Heart" and is for educational purposes only and fair usage. Other music: "Because of You", by Kelly Clarkson all copyright to her and her publisher and no copyright infringement meant, also "Teach Your Children" by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, all copyright to them and their publisher, for educational purposes only, fair usage and no copyright infringement meant.