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Welcome one and all to Cafe Esoterica Radio with your Hostess with the Mostest, Shawn Cohen! Today/Tonight, where ever you are in the world on Thursday, August 8th, 2019 please welcome Past Life Regressionist, Author of "Musings to Help The Soul Remember" and just released, "Guided By The Truth, Honoring The Light Within", Petey Silveria! I was on Petey's own BlogTalkRadio called, "New Pathways To Healing" as her guest in 2014 and now it is time to return the favor!! Petey is awesome, 30 plus years working with individuals and couples in her Family and Marriage Psychotherapy Practice out of Florida, as well as teaching Kundalini Yoga and trained by Dr. Brian Weiss himself, a brilliant Past Life Regressionist! Call in and speak to my amazing guest who will be right here in my home, visiting London!! Our number is (001) (858) 956-3204 and chat in our chat room on BlogTalkRadio and on our You Tube Channel, just put in Cafe Esoterica Radio and look for me broadcasting LIVE there! We begin at 7-8:30pm UK, 2-3:30pm EST & 11am-12:30pm PDT and worldwide so find your time zone and dive in! All from own cosy couch with your fave libation, your table is reserved so come on in!