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Welcome to Cafe Esoterica Radio with your Hostess, Shawn Cohen. I am pleased to welcome my next guest, all the way from India, Vedic Astrologer and Scholar and lecturer of Vedic Astrology, Pundit Katti Narahari. "Katti" was a guest speaker for our Astrology Summit in August and he was fascinating and stayed up very late from India time to share his work with us all. He began his Jyotish training at the tender age of 7 following the strict traditional way of the guru -Sishya Parampara. We broadcast live on Thursday, November 1st, 2018 at 7-9:00pm UK, 2-4:00pm EST & 11am-1:00pm PST & worldwide. Call in and speak to my guest on (516) 387-1809 and chat in the chat room on Blog Talk Radio and also watch me broadcast the show LIVE on our YouTube channel, just put Cafe Esoterica Radio in the search and you will find us. It is an honor to have Katti on my show and I know nothing about Vedic Astrology so I am going to ask him questions just like a novice would so join us. Your table is reserved! Also available on www.,, and www. too for your convenience and enlightenment!