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Welcome to a gathering of my dear friends! Come into my home, listen to wonderment on the unusual daytime and a Tuesday for this very special broadcast of Cafe Esoterica Radio! Today which is TUESDAY (instead of Thursday) Oct 31st at 2:00pm UK, 9:00am EST and around the world, Shawn welcomes the extremely gifted and knowledgable Teacher and Practitioner of Acupuncture and Professional Make Up Artist Ms. Sarah Matheson, from London, now living in Hove, England. She practices in both places and she is a dear friend, Her wisdom & intuition are brilliant and I am thrilled to welcome her to the show, along with another outstanding friend who I met in one of my early classes here in London, in 1986. Gavin Watson has a deep love of photography and is the most sought after photographer in the business! He chronicled the whole Punk and Skins Movement through his photos and has a couple of books out on the subject. Gavin is also an excellent Astrologer and both Sarah and I love him as another dear friend! Its Moon in Aquarius for all 3 of us as we trip the LIGHT fantastic and catch up, chat and discuss life as we have lived in from when we met until now! Happy Belated Birthday to Sarah as this is her birthday treat and I have all of our Astrology Charts and since all 3 of us love Astrology, what a show we are going to have! Lights, Camera and Action I am with the Two Most Beautiful Stars I Know, what more could a Hostess with the Mostess want? And Lunch, Prosecco on tap! Join us please and chat in the chat room, call in to talk to either Sarah or Gavin on (001) (516) 387-1809! Join us for Magic, Metaphysics and Mirth awaits!