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Encouragement is currency. Get it and give it away as freely as you have received it! Allow Café Encouragement Radio to enlighten, to empower, and to encourage you to overcome the challenges that life is sure to assign.
Join host James W. Falcon each week on Sunday, Monday & Wednesday evenings from 730-8pm (EST).
Tune in as James takes a very practical approach to common topics by presenting poems, short stories, chalk talks, humor, music and more to encourage you. The goal: that you GET! BE & STAY…ENCOURAGED…in everything you do!
The Sunday, February 23rd, Chalk Talk Topic will be: Deodorant or Antiperspirant? An examination of the reactionary behavior we tend to exhibit vs. the preventative steps that are best for us to take. You don’t want to miss this broadcast you will definitely find the Chalk Talk and the entire broadcast extraordinarily useful.
To listen to the live broadcast on February 23rd, dial (347) 215-8964 from any land line or cell phone and bypass option #1. Or press option #1 at different points during the broadcast to join James live on the air to offer encouragement to family members or friends.
More than just good listening. Better than great music. It’s the most encouraging 30 minutes on the airwaves. Café Encouragement Radio