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Audio & Cars - A Musical Journey Part 2

  • Broadcast in Automotive
Bubbas Exotic Motorsports

Bubbas Exotic Motorsports


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On Part 2 of this episode of Doin' It Bubba Style,  Tom & Bubba take you on a musical journey as they discuss the progression of today's audio equipment, the beauty of the music that flows through the speakers, the generations of music that have played through them and who better to join the boys live than radio icon & VH1's very FIRST VJ who was at VH1 for 12 years then went onto work with Howard Stern, Tim "The Byrdman" Byrd. Call in live from 9 to 10 AM EST and share yout favorite musical automotive memory. The hot line is: 714 242 5166.

Tom & Bubba are the father & son award winning car building team with the number 1 rated internationally syndicated automotive podcast,  Doin' It Bubba Style, their work is featured on Velocity's South Beach Classics and they are the hosts of the Silver TELLY award winning TV show Hot Rod Reality.

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