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What do Mah-Jongg, weird criminal stories, hospice and death have to do with one another? Well, listen to this third edition of Boomers Plus Radio and you'll find out. You'll also learn about identity theft, fraud, scams and lie detectors.
And to paraphrase those infamous infomercial pitchmen, "that's not all." Sure, a former FBI polygraph expert will be here, but you'll also be serenaded with original Appalachian music by Lisa, Jim and Owen Cummins. Lisa and Jim are the authors of Orchard Hill, which is available from
And if you're not already tired out, we're starting a series of brief exercise tips--things that you can do without going to the gym. What more can we offer? How about humor, funny commercials and tips on what events are coming up. They're supplied by our associates at
So relax, listen and tell everyone you know about Boomers Plus Radio, the only show designed for you. And if you would like to become a correspondent, just get in touch with