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Retirement Insecurity - The Wealth DNA radio show is dedicated to helping you increase your wealth, as well as educating savers & investors. February is a great month for a financial planning, and one of the hottest topics for the last few years has been dealing with rising healthcare costs. Whether you work for a company, are self employed, or retired this is a topic that affects you. On this show we'll focus on the US health insurance system for retirees, commonly know as Medicare. Our listeners outside of the US will have a great opportunity to see how the US government can take a straightforward concept, and complicate it sufficiently to justify a large bureaucracy ! Our guest to discuss Retirement Insecurity is Danielle Kunkle, a Founding Partner of Boomer Benefits, an health insurance agency. Danielle specializes in Medicare related insurance products, is a Medicare Supplement Accredited Advisor, and a regular contributor to industry publications on Medicare-related insurance for consumers. She is also a continuing education instructor in Texas, teaching a certification course for insurance agents who wish to enter the Medicare insurance sector. Although we can’t possibly address every individual situation in just 1 hour, we will try to answer some of the key questions you may have. What are the Medicare eligibility requirements? Is there an advantage to postponing applying? Are there deductibles & co-payments? What coverage is there during international travel? Why would anyone need supplemental insurance? What's the difference between Medicare Part A, B, or Z? And what the heck does insurance have to do with doughnut holes?! If you don't already know all these answers, then prepare your questions, and grab a cup of coffee, glass of wine, or your favorite beverage and join us on Wealth DNA radio for Retirement Insecurity ...