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Welcome to ( Over The Rainbow Show ) With Your Host Bob Brown On Blog Talk Radio On Wednesday 29th July 2015 3.00pm Eastern 12.00pm Pacific 8.00pm Uk Time The Call in Number is 347-539-5367 From The Uk 001-347-539-5367 Chat Room Will Be Open My Special Guest Today is Marc Brinkerhoff Marc has been in contact as far back as i can remember and have been seeing physical UFOs with and without witnesses since i was 4 years old, I can remember visiting my ET Family most every night in my dreams even before i was 4, Eventually i realized these were not dreams but out-of-body travels I started taking photos of UFOs in 1976 with film and stopped temporarily in 1986, in 2008, I began shooting UFOs again with digital cameras, through i had been seeing Extraterrestrial Lightships and ETs even when i was not trying to capture them on film I am a messenger from a benevolent group of Extraterrestrial from the 12th Dimension and higher The Alsyglion Group who are my spiritual family, I ageed to take a physical body to get space boots on the ground so to speak, to help at this momentous time in the evolution of Planet Earth I am a walk-in and was recognized as such in1980, by the late Ruth Montgomery who wrote " Strangers Among Us " before she met me Ingo Swan, who become a close friend for over 20 years, also recognized that i was a walk-in when he met me He is able to often call in interdimensional Extraterrestrial Craft to witnessed and photographed to bear witness to is ongoing cantact.Marc can be seen in the award winning film by James Carman, " The Hidden Hand " Marc`s presence in the film provides the benevolent aspect of human and ET interaction in lectures and workshops On Today Show Marc will be talking about Universal ET Symbols and what they mean and also about Alsyglion Group and who they are to him Thank you for joining me today for my show