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Raising The Roof Radio Presents Monday Wake Up - Paterson N.J.

  • Broadcast in Culture
Black Buffalo Radio

Black Buffalo Radio


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Raising The Roof Radio is the extreme voice of Paterson N.J.

There has been a lot of activity in the city over the past few days and we got the scoop for you....

This is where you want to be to stay in the know, with three shows every week you will never have to search to find out what's going on in the city. You don't have to worry about missing any of  the events that are happening.

Mondays - What to look for as we start the week. I.B.Wise & Brent Nation

Wednesdays - The Ruckus Room, The Day after the City Council meeting and the mid-week report. Uncle Ernie

Fridays - Livin for the weekend, what happened this week in the city and what the weekend has in store. I.B., Brent & Marilee Jackson are your hosts.

Look for special guest to stop by and spend time with us..

I.B. Wise  Brent Nation  Ernest Rucker Jr. and a host of others will keep you up to date..

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