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Whisper Out Loud RECIDIVISM

  • Broadcast in Jobs
Black Buffalo Radio

Black Buffalo Radio


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As a follow ex-felon I have learned some astonishing facts, The mindset in this country seems to be " once a felon/criminal always a felon/criminal and that is an outragous assumption. In a sense that is profiling. It is ovious that if there was more being offered then ex felons would not have to result to criminal activities to support themselves and/or their families.Not all people in prison are murderers, rapist, molestors, drug dealers/addicts and not all persons who have been in prison reoffend. When the government impliments more programs for re-entry to society then the rate goes down, right now the unemployment rate for convicted felons who have served their time and re entered society is at a staggering 81% and rising everyday. What has to be done and who do we bring this problem too?

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