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Can Moral Failure Affect a Leaders Ability to Lead

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SAT. June 11, 2011- 11PM ET. 8PM PT Tonight’s Topic:

Can Moral Failure Affect a Leaders Ability to be an Effective Leader?

Join us "Live In The Vocal Booth with The BKS1 Radio Team; Storm Norm “The General”, Trish aka "Super Woman ",Chill Mr. Keep It Real, Smoov P, TTatumn, JD Jeff aka Short Fuse.

In recent news we have witnessed the transgressions of Congressman Anthony Weiner come to light.  At first it was a naughty picture he sent to a woman not his wife.  Then the lie to cover it up followed by the confession about the lie and acknowledgment there were other women he has been sexting.  


Congressman Weiner is not alone the Church community was rocked when allegations were made against Pastor Eddie Long earlier this year that he engaged in sex with young man using his power, influence and money to control them.  

Tonight we want to hear what you think.  The Polls say Congressman Wieners constituents want him to stay in office what do you think? Live in the Vocal Booth”

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