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Join us "Live In The Vocal Booth with The BKS1 Radio Team; Storm Norm “The General”, Trish aka "Super Woman ", Chill Mr. Keep It Real, Smoov P, and Jeff aka Short Fuse”
When you hear about infidelity in a relationship your thoughts most often think it’s the man that has stepped out and committed the dastardly deed. Why do we always think it’s the man that test the waters of temptation and never think it could be the temptress? What sends a woman in a committed relationship into the arms of another man is it sex, money, or affection?
Tonight we take a peak inside infidelity from a woman point of view. What is she thinking? How does it make her feel? Does she feel guilty in the pleasure of it all? Call in tonight tell us why you turned into the arms of another man “Live in the Vocal Booth”
“Live In The Vocal Booth” Don’t Miss This weeks CD Review AT 10PM ET. TONIGHT THE BKS1 TEAM & YOU THE LISTENER BE THE JUDGE. TOGETHER WE REVIEW & RATE ON A SCALE FROM 1 to 5 Chris Brown New Release “FAME”
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