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Join us "Live in the Vocal Booth" With The BKS1 Radio Team; Storm Norm “The General”, Trish aka "Super Woman", Chill Mr. Keep It Real, Smoov P, Jeff aka Short Fuse and Special Guest Dez Nichelle
God created the Heavens and the Earth in six days and on the Seventh he rested. Biblically the number Seven represents Completion. Many have said that Humans and all creation go through life in cycles of seven meaning a renewing every seven years. What is the mystery of seven? What are the truths about the number Seven
Mystically, biblically, or scientifically does the number SEVEN (7) hold some beneficial meaning to enlighten us on our life’s journey?
The BKS 1 Team also ask is there really anything new under the sun or is the Seven Story Rule a true concept? There are really on 7 stories in the world and we just keep retelling the same stories, but with different window dressing. Think about the similarities in movies that mirror each other like the comparison recently of Set it off and Takers or The movie Dangerous Liaisons and the movie Cruel Intentions the same exact story except for the era. What movies can you name? Let’s jump in and talk about it “Live in the Vocal Booth”
“Live In The Vocal Booth” Don’t Miss This weeks CD Review AT 10PM ET. TONIGHT THE BKS1 TEAM & YOU THE LISTENER BE THE JUDGE. TOGETHER WE REVIEW & RATE ON A SCALE FROM 1 to 5 Fantasia's NEW RELEASE "Back to Me"
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CHAT with the Chat rebles and Short Fuse.