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"Live in the Vocal Booth":When Do You Know the Relationship is Over? How Do You Let Go and Move On?

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Sunday July 26th
When Do You Know the Relationship is Over? How Do You Let Go and Move On?
Join us "Live in the Vocal Booth" with your BKS1 Radio Team; Storm Norm, Trish aka "Super Woman", Miss Kiya, Chill "Mr. Keep It Real and Steve the Promoter.

Tonight's discussion: Why is it so hard to let go and move on from relationships that no longer provide fulfilment, substance or joy in our lives? Is the reason that individuals remain caught in such unsatisfying or abusive relationships due to the fear of letting go, of being alone, or that no one else will ever love you, or maybe it is just easier to stay with the "devil" you know. If we could only get past the hardest part of ending any relationship,"The Indecision Gap", the time between making a decision to move on and the actual break up we may begin to find what was being blocked from our lives due to us holding on to irreconcilable situations. But of course this is all easier said then done, we want to know how you handle the "Big Decision" to let go and move on.Call in with your thoughts and questions at 1-646-929-1530.

Special Guest Co-Host:

Liletta Thompson
Producer and host of Big Sis and Company -Focus on the issues TV show www.bigsisandcompany.net

Special Guest:

Kushi Myers
Spiritual Diviner and Author of the upcoming book "Why Do Men Cheat?". He is also the owner of a dating and romance website http://www.h20s.com/

Special Musical Guest:

Yung Ro
Up and coming artist breaking barriers and setting a blazing trail.

Best Kept Secret Radio Network - BKS1-Radio "A Division Of Best Kept Secrets Entertainment"

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