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Join us "Live in the Vocal Booth" with your BKS1 Radio Team; Storm Norm, Trish aka "Super Woman", Miss Kiya, Chill "Mr. Keep It Real and Life Coach James LeGrand.
Tonight's discussion: Does everything come with a price? Recently a new bill The Performers Rights Act was introduced and is on its way to the House for a full vote. The bill would require AM and FM radio stations to pay performers to play their songs. It is feared this bill could put many black owned radio stations out of business. Many are already struggling. It makes you ask the question what is next there is no free TV you have to have cable or satellite. Will there be fee’s just to breathe or how about to walk in the park. Does everything in America have to cost. First Television now they are going after radio!!!! Tonight's guests: Al Butler Radio Sow Host WURDDon't miss our new segment ASK James featuring James LeGrand Author of Best Seller "Evolve!" and Publisher of
Tonight's guests: Al Butler Radio Sow Host WURD
Don't miss our new segment ASK James featuring James LeGrand Author of Best Seller "Evolve!" and Publisher of