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BKR Radio Presents " Testimony Thursday Live"Featuring Pastor Frank Rios 3-20-14

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Welcome to Testimony Thursday were we are waiting to hear from you. Our Featured Guest today is Pastor Frank Rios.

Frank Rios was born in 1962 in South Central Los Angeles, Ca. At the age of two years old I grew up in a house hold where my mom and step dad were the local neighborhood drug dealers of heroin. They were both hugely addicted to heroin. I was abused physically and mentally by my step father. Form the age of 2 years old to 12 I was in and out of various foster homes. At the age of twelve I began to join a gang that my whole family was affiliated with. During my teen and young adult years I was in and out of jail and addicted to various drugs. I thank God that in 1997 he came into my life.

This is going to a Powerful Testimony that you don't want to miss.

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