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Paul Lawrence Vann, Wealth Building Academy, grant expert, wealth building, financial freedom

  • Broadcast in Finance
Biz Women On Blast

Biz Women On Blast


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Join me June 12, 6:00pm as I do a pre-launch of Buzz Talk Radio (Official launch is 6/17). I will interview Paul to discuss his June 15, 7:00-8:30pm, ET, teleseminar "Getting Grant Money to Realize Your Dreams." He is hosting this amazing teleseminar to lead entrepreneurs and small business owners, women and minorities to add multiple streams of income to their business model. On a recent episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show she stated to financial guru Suze Orman, "This economy is a wakeup call for America and the rest of the world." Paul is going to train you to establish a nonprofit organization, identify problems n your community and provide solutions to strengthem communities. Paul Lawrence Vann is a certified financial and grant expert having manged billion dollar goverment contracts and worked for Congresman Patrick Kennedy. Tune in and listen to me interview Paul, so you can strengthen your community by obtaining grant money to realize your dreams. Learn more at: http://grantmoneysuccess.eventbrite.com or call (240) 416-5077. Be sure to call in to ask questions, make comments or to simply say hello to Paul. Paul Lawrence Vann, Wealth Building Academy, grant expert, wealth building, financial freedom

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