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How late in the day we are!
So how come so many Believers are wide asleep?
In the story of the wise and foolish virgins what was the problem with the unwise ones?
They only had half the story!
Yes they all had lamps. But they had no oil to show forth light from the lamp we are taught.
When really they did not have the whole Lamp but only the New Testament part of it.
The Lamp is the Word, The oil is the Holy Spirit.
Lets take it a step deeper.
The Word is the Torah now by a New and Living Way, by the Spirit of Yahweh.
Many Believers think they have the Lamp and the oil.
However if you reject the Torah then you also reject the Holy Spirit.
Many have been taught that the Torah is irrevelant today for the Christian.
You want to ask why Christianity is in such disarray?
Oh don't get me started!! Unless of course you are really serious about your walk with Yeshua and want to know what your obligations under the Renewed Covenant really are!!