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The Biblical Restoration of Israel

  • Broadcast in Religion
Beit Lechem

Beit Lechem


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When you consider returning to Yahweh what do you use as your terms of reference when seeking understanding of this return? 

Maybe you look at it as the world understands it.

But make no mistake, Yahweh will require of each one of us a correct response to the grace ,mercy and compassion He has sent us through Yeshua His Son and our Redeemer.

There is no other name and no other "Way" by which we must be saved. Yahwehs way of return or "Aliyah" is very clearly laid out in His plan for you and me.The Torah is highly recommended reading and highly recommended you should "do"!

Are you ready??

The coming time of testing for Believers. Are you ready for this? Have you even considered that you need to prepare? Will you be " about your Fathers business" in the dark days to come? Or are you hoping that a rapture or something will save you from "Jacobs Troubles"?

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