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Grandma's Wisdom (Pt.1)t

  • Broadcast in Motivation
Be Inspired with Michelle Gee

Be Inspired with Michelle Gee


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The show this week is part 1 of 2 shows with the author and coauthors of "Lessons from My Grandmother's Lap". I'm not sure you can remember those little bits of wisdom your grandmother use to give when you were younger? I know that I can...as I look back I remember thinking at the time that it really didn't make sense what she was saying or I was a little confused by some of her parables;but as I grew and matured I've found that I had to reach back and grab some of those same parablea just to make it through some of life's situations. We will be talking tonight with these wonderful women as they share just a little of the wisdom they received from their grandmothers. Tune in tonight beginning at 6:30 pm for this show l.

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