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Today on Being in Namaste - I'm honored to have Damaris Cruz on my show to share with the audience her many talents. Damaris has had both the honor and pleasure to work individually and privately with all kinds of audiences. After years of self-reflection, challenging experiences & healing work, she has been able to develop her psychic & healing gifts while also stepping aside so that Spirit can speak and work through her. Love & Humor are implemented as an alternative way of tuning-in to people, helping them feel comfortable to open up at deeper levels. During her talks, you will experience and receive a lot of word-play, higher frequency energy, mind healing and subconscious belief system re-programming. The information that is channeled conforms to what the audience needs to hear, so it is uniquely improvised and very powerful, leaving everyone feeling "light" and blissful. More about Damaris: With a background in physical therapy and massage, Damaris now focus on her skills as an Intuitive Channel, Reiki Master, Akashic Records reader & Spiritual Counselor to facilitate healing at multiple levels. Whether working with individuals or groups, the intention is to spread more Love, Laughter, and empower people with the Truth of who they are, so that they, in turn, can heal and release all that is not in accordance with their grandest expression. Damaris enjoys the work she does so much, that she does it from a place of Love, taking a playful approach to transformation as she re-minds others not to take themselves so seriously so that they could also enjoy the process. "If we loosen up, it is also easier to let go... and it's all about Surrender"