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Dr. Levine is a licensed Clinical Psychologist and President and Executive Director of The Source Health and Wellness Treatment Center in Los Angeles. The Source offers two intensive clinical programs: Nicotine Addiction Treatment and Binge Eating/Food Addiction Treatment.
Dr. Levine’s most recent position was as Senior Executive Director of Promises Treatment Centers. Through his work in the field of addiction, he could no longer ignore the devastating impact that nicotine addiction continues to inflict on the health of individuals and society. He has become determined to offer the most cutting edge treatment for nicotine addiction available today.
Dr. Levine was trained at the Mayo Clinic in their Tobacco Specialist Training Program and through his since created a one week intensive program (one of only three in the country) as well as a one month outpatient program.
Dr. Levine has been providing expert clinical treatment and administrative oversight to a myriad of cutting edge programs for over twenty years. Dr. Levine has spent most of his career working extensively with substance abusers, the homeless, gay patients as well as persons with HIV/AIDS. While he has worked with both indigent and highly affluent populations, he has always made it his priority to implement the most innovative treatment solutions for the most challenging clientele.
Dr. Levine was born and raised in New York and received his doctorate from the New School for Social Research in New York City.
Dr. Levine can be reached at: