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BEING DELIBERATELY radio is excited to present "Frequency Artist"! This special, hour-long segment is an on-going discussion with celebrated astrologer, Jon Waldrup and BEING DELIBERATELY host, Beth Dolan, about real-time practical, simple and powerful ways to utilize the wisdom of astrology in our daily lives. Tune in for Jon's help in understanding what's going on, cosmically speaking, what to expect down the road, and how we can increasingly learn to harness and focus our own personal energies, by paying a little closer attention to the cycles of the celestial bodies."
Jon: "We inhabit our bodies, form relationships, families and communities because in all these we can learn something about love. All the ways we love adorn the Earth in beauty. Astrology helps me see the feeling experience through which we learn to love. In the astrology of any individual, couple, or family system, I am seeking to make apparent what it feels like to learn to love. That learning can have so many expressions, but choosing to try to love – at all, better, more deeply, more freely - is the sign of an awakened soul.
I am incredibly honored by each opportunity to serve.
Please visit my websites to learn more: and"