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World Music & Independent Film Fest

  • Broadcast in Entertainment
WQYB Radio Network

WQYB Radio Network


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First up on tonight's broadcast, we spoke with Laura Hartman & June Diguiso who are co-founders of the World Music and Independent Music Festival. Tom Townsend from "Leaving Hollywood" also joined us on the show. The festival, starting August 16th will feature 16 films including videos, documentaries and full feature films and will be held in the nation's capital, Washington DC. The Red carpet event will be held on August 21, 2010 at the Capital Hilton. Please visit their website below to secure your tickets for this event. As Tom Townsend stated, come on down to DC and let them show you that there is some class talent involved. He also mentioned that "Leaving Hollywood" is up for 7 nominations at the festival. Later on the broadcast, the panel had a grudge match regarding the very serious issue of the Health care Reform Bill. This seems to be a subject that is on the proverbial hot stove and finds it's way into almost every episode we have. Of course we continue to make the point that we have to get out in November and make some serious changes. One caller put it correctly that the public have to realize that we are the owners of the government and that is a major problem that constituents believe the government is our bosses..it's the other way around. Our tax money pays them and in my humble opinion, that makes ME their boss!

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