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Actress/Author DEE WALLACE

  • Broadcast in Entertainment
WQYB Radio Network

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Dee Wallace has worked as an author, teacher, dancer and actress in film, television and the stage for over 30 years. With over 100 credits to her name, Ms. Wallace is a true tour de force in this industry, working with some of Hollywood's biggest names including Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson, Wes Craven, Stephen King and Blake Edwards. As a much sought after public speaker, Dee has spoken at numerous national and international venues including the Love and Harmony Forum in Tokyo, Japan; The Dillion Lecture Series, Unity Temple, Cornerstone Foundation, and the Kansas Film Commission in Kansas; and her own healing and teaching seminars throughout the United States. Tonight, we will talk to her about this and her book, Conscious Creation and Ms. Wallace is taking YOUR calls (866) 417-4359

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