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Back2Us Network where passion and purpose align to educate, empower, heal, and transform our community one show at a time. Back2Us Radio discusses a broad range of topics including sexual orientation, disability awareness, mental wellness, educational advocacy, emotional freedom, meditation, and the power of intention. We are YOUR community radio network...created for the community by the community.

On-Demand Episodes

Teko's Corner is that place where you can always go when your back is against the wall and life has you trapped. Surving and thriving while in the corner is no stranger to Teko. Sometimes you simply have to take it to the corner! Tune in... more

"When a loved one passes away, it's not easy to hold yourself together. It doesn't matter if you were prepared for it or not. If you knew it was going to happen or not. If it was inevitable or an accident. The fact is that the death of a dear one... more

Back2Us Radio Presents...Fitness for the Soul: Guided Meditations and More with Kelly Lynn Prime, Psychic Medium, Energy Healer and Soul Fitness Coach…Welcome to your weekly inner workout. Many people claim that... more

Reggie Jackson has been taking on the Atlanta Comedy Scene by storm since 2005; and, now she's here on Back2Us Radio bringing her mix of Southern Belle charm with a splash raw realness! Tune in to her live show from Midtown... more

Back2Us Radio Presents...Fitness for the Soul: Guided Meditations and More with Kelly Lynn Prime, Psychic Medium, Energy Healer and Soul Fitness Coach…Welcome to your weekly inner workout. Many people claim that... more

AGG On Air continues its "Meet Our Writers "Series with guest and AGG writer Dani Cortijo. Dani so heroically shares her journey to motherhood as a single, lesbian woman and her uphill walk through infertility . She shares it with us in... more

Teko's Corner is that place where you can always go when your back is against the wall and life has you trapped. Surving and thriving while in the corner is no stranger to Teko. Sometimes you simply have to take it to the corner! Tune in... more

Soul Food Sundays with Lakara and Dj "E" is a live monthly radio show bringing you love, life, laughter, and feeding your soul with spiritual and musical nourishment. Lakara is the host of the Brown Sugar Vibe Spoken Word & Live... more

Outing Post-Transition: Last week, ESPN's Grantland ran an article about trans golf-club inventor Essay Anne Vanderbilt (Dr. V). The lengthy article used her trans identity to sensationalize the story; and, Dr. V committed suicide in... more

Reggie Jackson has been taking on the Atlanta Comedy Scene by storm since 2005; and, now she's here on Back2Us Radio bringing her mix of Southern Belle charm with a splash raw realness! Tune in to her live show from Midtown... more

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