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The Prayer, Fasting, and Devotion Month : Day 3

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
A Wonderful Approach

A Wonderful Approach


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Prayer, Fasting, and Devotion are pillars in Spirituality. For 30 days A Wonderful Approach is dedicating time to assist others with their desire to move closer to The Most High. For the next 30 days Seven, Ibrahim, and the A Wonderful Approach family will gather each morning to share prayers and words of encouragemet as we work together to accomplish this goal. Whether you are a prayer warrior or just beginning your spiritual journey, there will be something for all. All people, no matter of religon, race, age, orientations and abilities are invited to learn ways to apply yourself spiritually and gain greater insight into oneself. The calls will be each morning at 7:00 (eastern time) and you may call into 516-418-5901?. Join us for DAY 3

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