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KAREN CRESSMAN, a Multiversal Shaman , Spiritual Interpreter and Self Empowerment Coach,who brings forth wisdom from other realms, along with Marc Himelstein fromHealing 4 Inner Peace, talk with representatives and members of theAndromeda Council's Galactic Federation to learn the current status of events happening as the Council and Inner Earth Beings support Earth and humanity in its ascension process. This month, they were taken to Inner Earth and shown Termite Insectoid Beings working to uncover a way to prevent their species DNA from being destroyed by the pesticides used on this planet. Learn how other worlds are impacted by what is done on Earth. We were also shown how to bring the energetic frequencies of the Inner Earth food supply into our foods. Learn what the Alliance, Andromeda Council, Galactic Federation and Inner Earth Beings are doing to support us and how YOU can help.