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Own Your Money to Fund Your Dream Life

  • Broadcast in Business
Terry Wildemann

Terry Wildemann


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Our guest is Belinda Rosenblum, CPA and Wealth Expert. Belinda will be discussing Funding Your Dream Life and will answer for us the following questions:

1) How do most people view money, and what is the impact?

2) How did you work through your own avoiding tendencies and how can our listeners do it too?

3) What is one thing that our listeners can do now to start owning their money and funding THEIR dream life?


Belinda Rosenblum, CPA and Wealth Expert, left her thriving corporate finance role to address a major unmet need in our communities - transforming the way people think, feel, and act with money to give them back their rightful power over their money mindset and money management. Her new just-released book, SELF-WORTH TO NET WORTH: 12 Keys to Creating Wealth Inside and Out, provides the compassion, gentle kick-in-the-pants and step-by-step approach to help you build your financial self-esteem and manage your own financial life.

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