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It's party time!!!! it's that time of year where we eat too much, drink too much and many of us overspend. And we love it!!! It's also the time for creating amazing business connections that will help you start next year dynamically and with a fresh start. In today's show Networking Master, Terry Wildemann, will share with you tips to attract your ideal client and how to network in style and make your dreams and goals come true! About Terry.... Terry Wildemann loves working with people and helping them tap into their brilliance. Her workshops and masterminds are known for the transformational breakthoughs experienced by her attendees as she weaves her magic to help them shift from self sabotaging behaviors. Terry is a certified coach, speaker, and trainer and specializes in teaching stress management, law of attraction, leadership and customer service. As host of the Coffee With Terry radio show on Blog Talk Radio, Terry interviews business focused guests who understand the power of merging business with spirituality.