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Our guests are two amazing musicians I met at INATS, the International New Age Trade Show in Denver. Each in his own way is demonstrating a very high spiritual vibration.
David Young is widely known for his relaxing instrumental music in which he plays two recorders in harmony at once. He has sold over 1million CDs, but here we talk about his new book, “Channeling Harrison - book one,” in which he tells of his remarkable and reluctant journey to accept that George Harrison of the Beatles wanted to talk to the world through David. His website is:
We also speak with Grammy Award-winning performer Barry Goldstein. Barry has composed and produced for Television, Film, Major record labels and Top Ten Recording artists and has worked with some of the hottest studio musicians in the industry! His music is being used in hospitals, hospices, wellness centers, and individual practices, and Barry lectures widely on using music, sound and vibration to help the healing process. His website is: