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Miriam Knight moderates the Roundtable Discussion by some of NCReview’s top reviewers of their favorites among books they’ve recently reviewed. Participants in this week’s show:
Julie Clayton, the Reviews Editor for New Consciousness Review. Her website is:
Cynthia Sue Larson, a best-selling author, life coach, and inspirational speaker. Her website is:
Kandy Williams, a writer, photographer and spiritual explorer. Her website is:
The books reviewed are: 1. Exploring The Crack In The Cosmic Egg: Split Minds & Meta-Realities by Joseph Chilton Pearce 2. Perceptual Integration: The Mechanics Of Awakening by Gary Sherman 3. Healing Pain And Injury by Maud Nerman 4. Brain Changer by David DiSalvo 5. In Your Own Hands by Larry Berkelhammer 6. PSI Wars by Craig Weiler 7. Axiogenesis by Nicholas Rescher 8. Consciousness Beyond Life: The Science Of The Near-Death Experience by Pim Van Lommel 9. Your (Re) Defining Moments: Becoming Who You Were Born To Be by Dennis Merritt Jones 10. The Hero'S Journey: Joseph Campbell On His Life And Work by Joseph Campbell 11. Induced After Death Communication: A Miraculous Therapy For Grief And Loss by Dr. Allan Botkin 12. Digestive Intelligence: A Holistic View Of Your Second Brain by Dr. Irina Matveikova