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Saje recently released her children’s book, “Goodbye Bumps” that tells the true story from when she was a little girl and developed a rash of bumps called flat warts all over her face. After a couple of years of these bumps not going away and the treatment options being too harsh to consider for a child, her parents came up with a different approach to how we could heal these warts. They told her that she had the power within her mind to heal herself of these bumps and that she just needed to call upon that power. So Saje took this piece of advice very literally and decided to talk directly to her bumps every night for 5 minutes before she went to sleep, telling them that she loved them but that they had to leave and they could not be together anymore. She also imagined herself having clear, smooth skin. After 3 nights of this, Saje’s bumps were completely healed and they have never returned. Saje believes that all adults and children can benefit from this story because it teaches them that there is always another alternative when you have a problem, whether it is a physical ailment or an emotional one, and that alternative can be to talk to what’s bothering you. Saje Dyer is a 24 year-old young woman from South Florida. She is currently living in New York City while studying for her masters of psychology at NYU. She recently published her first book- a children’s book titled “Goodbye Bumps!” that tells the true story of how she was able to heal herself of a physical ailment as a child. Saje often travels with her Dad, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and tells the story to his audiences and she recently appeared on his PBS special. She enjoys traveling, learning, and being at the beach. She is the youngest of 8 children so family is and always has been a huge part of her life.