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No matter how much money you do or don’t have, everyone has a Money Story. And Alicia believes that everyone has a birth right to have a happy and healthy one! As the eldest of five in a working-class family, she knows what it’s like to not have enough money, feel that it’s not going to stick around or will be there when you really need it. After years of exploring energy, learning different healing modalities and clearing beliefs, she realised that it was never about the money at all and everything changed! Join her to learn more about what she did and how you can align with your birth right to a very happy money story and so much more!
Alicia Isaacs Howes, founder of and international Soul Connection expert, loves to help those who are struggling in some way with their money, health or relationships and are choosing to change that. She’s a former global management consultant from England whose own health crisis led to her healing and a new perspective on life as a healer, intuitive coach and teacher. With her intuitive insight and powerful guidance, she empowers her clients to begin, expand and end all kinds of chapters in their lives by connecting consciously to their soul. As an audience member on Oprah with Laura Day in 1996, her own intuitive gifts were revealed on global television. Now that’s another interesting story! To get started right away in healing a pain point, go to today to download your complimentary Soul Story ReVision Kit and anchor a new way of being into the cells of your being.