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Are you finding life happening quickly and easily or does it feel like you're fighting an uphill battle?
Living, working and playing in authenticity is the key to having things go your way. Life tends to fall into place with doors of opportunity opening consistently when you are who you are meant to be instead of a poor imitation of someone else.
It can take awhile to get used to staying on track and being authentic since most of us have been programmed to do what it expected or what will gain approval from others. That, however, is not living YOUR truth. By not being authentic you sidestep your path to joy and fulfillment.
MarBeth Dunn will help you step into your authenticity by connecting you to your Body Wisdom. Your body loves you and can guide you to through your feelings and sensations. Your body is an amazing organism, capable of far more than you realize. It is highly intuitive, continually giving you feedback on what is happening within you, as you react and respond to what is going on around you.
It's quite common for people to tune out the body’s messages, stuffing real feelings or dismissing what you may be experiencing physically. Have you made a conscious decision to “deal with all of that later,” hoping that the very real responses your body is giving you will just go away?
MarBeth Dunn, “The Joy to Abundance Strategist” works with people all over the world. An intuitive, empath, and clairsentient, she teaches people to create and live abundant, joy-filled lives. She is a spiritual teacher, master of energy and the subtle realities, a Kundalini Yoga instructor and Life Empowerment Coach™.
Her inspiring work has been featured on several television networks, she is a frequent guest on WEYW-19, Key West. She can be heard daily on her international radio show The Great Metamorphosis, on the Law of Attraction radio network.