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Medical Intuitive Insights to Achieve Overall Health

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Your Enlightenment Zone

Your Enlightenment Zone


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Rejuvenation and wellness are the key to slowing down the aging process and prevent dis-ease. Hear how you too can scan your body so you will feel better, or prevent health problems and deficiencies. The body is a fine and clever entity which has an innate ability to heal itself. Listen to how your body works energetically and how you can influence it for better health.

Healing is simple, as long as you know what to do and in which sequence. Why do we get sick and what makes us heal? How can we prevent premature aging and look and feel younger? The energetic stage of a disease is the easiest stage to quickly guide the body back to balance!

Martine Bloquiaux is a Medical Intuitive, Author, and Healer practicing in the US, Europe and Asia. After many years as a successful international lawyer and marketing executive, she studied and practiced with many Asian masters. She scans bodies for deficiencies and illnesses and works with the medical community in order to find solutions to many dis-eases. She is known for her analytical and diagnostic skills and also her no-nonsense approach to finding effective solutions to restore overall health.


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