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NEURAL NETWORKS, CHAOS AND YOUR NEW SELF - Join Crimson CIrcle founders Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe for a lively and informative discussion with Dr. Michael Brandt, Houston, Texas about neural networks, chaos and how this all applies to your new Self. This show is ideal for technical and non-technical listeners alike because even though the subject matter may sound complex, we'll talk about how these New Energy physics apply to your daily life. Dr. Brandt has been a frequent presenter at Crimson Circle conferences. He has been involved in bridging the worlds of science and Spirit for most of the 49 years of his present earthly incarnation. Michael holds a Bachelor’s Degree in physics, and Master’s and Doctoral degrees in biomedical engineering. He has postdoctoral training in neuroscience, psychophysiology, and systems and information theory. For the past 10 years he has been intimately involved in learning and teaching Kabbalah – Jewish mysticism and has been practicing his own form of Kabbalistic healing for the last four years. He is now giving training workshops nationally, teaching how to become a facilitator of “New Energy” Kabbalistic Healing.